THIS is the reason I love watching Person of Interest so much. It's supposed to be sci-fi but it's our reality since 9/11. I'm on my 3rd time watching all 5 seasons back to back for a couple of weeks (is that what binging is?) each year. And I get moar out of it each time. The character development is groundbreaking!

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Ordered! Thx for the review. I enjoyed Double Crossfire and devoured it, then sent the I my parents who both read it too. Will do the same with this book too.

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The authors that have an uncanny ability to predict the future... Kinda like The Simpsons . They are "telling us" without breaking laws on classified material. Just present it all as "fiction" ;-)

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It would be great if we could buy as many as needed and send them to the J6 prisoners. It might give them hope with a little entertainment. Maybe you could start a Give Send Go fund on X for it Jan.

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I wonder if this is a CLUE that the White Hat Alliance is in total control when I saw this commercial for the latest from National Geographic on youtube. I had to search for it. Where its mentioning the New series Queens of the World, I noticed something really cool right at the end of the commercial Is it just Me or is there something to this. It just got me really excited When I saw The ALL HAIL Q at the end. Will Queens of the World be taking over when this Massive Corruption is all cleaned up?? Who Knows ENJOY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9azic6W1U4

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Thanks for the recommendation. I, too, read Double Crossfire. Great read. I went back and ordered the first two books in this series. Currently reading Chasing the Lion. (2021). Truth revealed even then.

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Quite the 🎥 we’re living through! And many sources to help us discern what’s been going on. Thanks, Dr. Jan for doing your part! Looks like I need to carve out some more reading time!🤔🤓

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I LOVED DOUBLE CROSSFIRE! Can't wait to read the new book. Uncanny with the predictive storyline. Thank you so much for recommending this author. ❤️

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Wonderful article and thanks for the heads-up! Having read his most recent book, I just ordered General Tata's new book as a preorder through Thrift Books. It looks like a doozer!

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Thank you Jan, for sharing!

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I know what it's like to be enamored of a great series, as I read Patrick O'Brien's Aubrey-Maturin series three times in a row. Now I'm reading and re-reading Radu Cinamar's Transylvania Sunrise series, which is nonfiction, but covers subjects such as pyramids (how they were built by beings from Sirius), ET technologies, ET reformation of Earth, the creation of mankind, underground tunnels, Inner Earth, time travel, gods and goddesses and the Luciferian Brotherhood.

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