Well written Jan. We the People are tired of waiting. I’m a Christian and know the importance of waiting on God. But waiting on people is different. I’m one of the 2/3 awake, it’s time!

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Sounds like Kash Patel or Devine Nunes would make a great speaker!

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I agree that the way of doing business in the House is dysfunctional. The House should be restricted from passing any bill that is redistributive, which includes alleged charity and all types of reverse discrimination. Many other enforced restrictions need to be in place to destroy Socialism in the US. Omnibus bills and log-rolling should be banned. Bill length must be restricted, and The People should have veto power. One H--l of a lot of legislation needs to be rescinded.

The article says "not ONE of you" yet specifically identifies Gaetz as doing his job.

I agree that that relying on a Government of men rather than a Government Of Laws is foolish.

However, if one had to make a choice, based upon what Representatives say and the legislation they propose, I would say that Jim Jordan is worthy of some respect, at least.

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These thieves have never represented us. I'm from Taxachusetts, I would know. We can't even vote them out, the elections are rigged. Just ask Dr. Shiva.

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You have the pulse of we the people! My husband and I are seniors and following what is happening with our eyes wide open. We are so happy to have you voice this for the many who pray and want justice now.

The man that comes to mind is our best president, Donald Trump.

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Throw them all out and start over. Term limits. No PAC $ contributions for elections. or pandering to special interests to be allowed in elections. Voter ID using confirmation of citizenry and paper ballots. Legislated bills should not be passed as grotesquely huge omnibus bills voted on at the 11th hour. Congresspeople must read everything in a bill, and it must be in plain English. And every Speaker or Senate leader should be selected from proven business leaders who have demonstrated a spirit of service to humanity.

To get this done, decoupling from the Money =Power situation would be helpful.

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Thank you for writing such an insightful analysis on the selection of a new speaker. Before I read your article my intuition told me exactly the same thing. Frankly, they could select anyone who has common sense with a strong backbone. But, I can see how it would be helpful to chose someone with an IQ in the upper limit of normal or higher, excellent communication skills, and is emotionally stable. A young person would also be helpful. Someone who has run a multibillion or trillion dollar organization. Someone who took that organization and grew it by using long standing principles like efficiency, reliability, and even honesty.

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Hillsdale College offers a free course "Congress, how it worked and why it doesn't" here https://online.hillsdale.edu/landing/congress. I have not taken this course but it begins by asking "What is the proper function of Congress and how can we revive it". I have not taken this course but I would be surprised if it recommended radical change instead of "awareness" and being active politically. IMO only radical change (to realize the intent of the Constitution) can remove all the dysfunctional influences of over 60 years of destructive government.

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I appreciate your response to the representatives and I agree with your conclusions. Sadly they will not change. They don’t work or represent us in any way, shape or form. They play in the show to oppose each other to placate the masses to get people to think they are working so hard and never fix a damn thing. It is madness.

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Wow! Well stated, Dr. Jan!! Love this. Thank you for expertly articulating what the real issue at hand with this Congress really is ❤️

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My husband and I were just discussing this very issue! You stated our position with much more eloquence than we ever could have! Thank you! We need to make a CONGRESS : YOUR JIG IS UP movement to spread like wildfire!

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Fight the level of censorship the UK and Canada have. Speak up, contact your representatives, do not shut down dissenting opinions (dialogue and analyze). And pray for the mind of Christ. There is so much more at play than powerful manipulators. We the People deserve better. We must declare and decree the freedom and authority given to us by God. Dr. Jan, I pray we move from 2/3 to 3/4 soon.

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Well if we were illegally handed over to the crown back in the act of 1871 doesn’t everything there after be null and void once returning to a constitutional republic?

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Dr. halper-hayes,

The reseon you can't get through to anyone about the vaccine or the truth is because most of their minds were written to. Literally.

With the new technology that is available that is where we are at unfortunately. The vaccine just made it easier. Why do you think there is such a big tranny movement around THE US. Its not just because. We were infiltrated through the mind to normalize this stuff. No company like bud light would have done what they did if that wasn't the case.

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I signed up for Dr Jan's substack and am getting a $10/mo credit card charge from Medium.com. Is that from Dr. Jan?

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I want to say, you mentioned on one of your guest spots w Tom Numbers to read Double Crosshairs. OMG. Good book! Explains a lot.

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